Over 100,000 meals later, here we are...

Two and a half years later, we are still here. We continue to fill these food insecurity gaps and try our best to create new systems of community care. Following our motto serve with joy we hosted our 2nd annual Fall FEASTival with intentions to celebrate, heal, and activate. This celebration of 100,000 meals served helped us raise over $5,000 for our mutual aid program. We healed by sharing space with our Home-y volunteers through our community's culinary, artistic, and solidarity gifts. It was a pretty fulfilling and restorative time!

There’s something so uniquely powerful about persevering through all the disarray, conflict, and busyness of life by leaning on one another. In a world where individualism is celebrated, we continue to be taught the transformational power of collective action and belonging. Melissa Acedera’s teach-in reminded us that transformation begins on the inside.

Who are we? Where did we come from?
What characteristics and challenges do we share?
How did our people survive natural disasters and pandemics?
What can we learn from surviving the era of Covid-19?

THANK YOU outreach partners and cooking/driving volunteers who continue to physically show up and power this love train for our neighbors on the margins. Without you there’d be no reason to throw a FEASTival!

And to all of the vendors, sponsors, volunteers, performers, and Home-ys like YOU who made Saturday a cup-filling, movement-affirming experience, we appreciate you so so much!!!

Onwards fam, many hands make light work.


It All Begins With the Farm Workers


All hands on deck for our farm workers!